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栏目:书信 更新时间:2024-07-19 16:16:11 作者:文/会员上传 发布时间: 人气: 下载.docx文档
文章导读:邮轮英文书信范文 第一篇In search of the priceless treasure of the Titanic sinking in the Atlantic Ocean, the treasure Explorer pick......

邮轮英文书信范文 第一篇

In search of the priceless treasure of the Titanic sinking in the Atlantic Ocean, the treasure Explorer picked up a rusty safe from the sunken ship. Unexpectedly, this well preserved sketch of a young woman wearing a diamond necklace attracted the attention of a hundred years ago. She was very excited and immediately took a helicopter to Bullock's salvage boat Her name is rose DeWitt Bukit, and she is the woman in the picture.

She tells a touching love story to the crowd: Rose was on the Titanic because she didn't want to marry her huand Carl, and she was ready to commit by jumping into the sea. Fortunately, she won the ticket saved by Jack. The two met from then on.

In the next few days, Jack took her to the third class dance (Brock picked up a piece and taught her to spit. They fell in love soon, but the sweet love did not take long. The Titanic hit an iceberg.

Jack continued to encourage her in order to survive. They froze to death in the cold sea water. The rose was saved, but she will never forget you.

Jack is not only because they have a good love, but also because Jack gives She brought happiness, gave her hope and future.



邮轮英文书信范文 第二篇

A stupid guy saw an advertisement that said a holiday cruise ship. After he registered and paid for it, the travel agency beat him with a bat, knocked him unconscious, and threw him into the river through the back door. Soon another guy came to pay, and 15 minutes later, they went down the river together and got the same treatment.

The first person said I don't know whether they provide food on this cruise ship. I don't know. The second person replied that they didn't notice the cruise ship registration bet n unconscious adjustment exercise last year He was on the cruise ship last year.

The second man came a few minutes later than the first one. The second man was even more stupid than the first one.



标签: 新学期

邮轮英文书信范文 第三篇

The Titanic was a huge ship. It sailed from Southampton to New York on April 4. By modern standards, it carried both passengers and crew.

The tonnage Titanic was a huge ship at that time, but it was not only the largest ship ever built, but was also considered unsinkable because it had 16 watertight compartments, even though two of them were flooded, she said Remember the first time that the great cruise ship will die in the water.



邮轮英文书信范文 第四篇

We will arrange the delivery immediately after receiving your delivery note, but you know, shipper a's company only has one ship to Houston every week, and due to the approaching Spring Festival, the warehouses through this line to the United States are full. The nearest ship we can reach is this week's one, which will arrive at your warehouse before XXX. We would appreciate it if you could understand us within this week.



邮轮英文书信范文 第五篇

You can come down now. My friend's cruise ship at the port of Mexico, during a very high tide, everyone on board was forced to use the narrow springboard as a passageway to the dock. The staff stood there motionless.

When a passenger in her S-shape appeared at the top of the board, no one could help her walk slowly, and finally safely walked to the dock. Everyone was relieved. She went down the stairs, turned around, looked back at the top of the plank, and cried, _all right, mom, you can come down now._.



邮轮英文书信范文 第六篇

Joke: a stupid guy saw an advertisement that said a holiday cruise ship. After he registered and paid, the travel agency beat him with a bat, knocked him unconscious, and then threw him into the river through the back door. Soon another man came in, paid the money, and got the same treatment 15 minutes later, because both of them floated down on the river.

The first man said, _I don't know if they're providing food on this cruise ship._ _I don't know,_ the second replied, _they didn't last year._ pay attention to cruise n's registration bet n unconscious adjustment exercise: TF Cheap holiday cruise line 2. The first and second man was knocked out and carried on the boat. The second man has not paid since last year.

The second man is a few minutes later than the first one. The second man is even more stupid than the first one.



邮轮英文书信范文 第七篇

(happiness) a group of young people were looking for happiness everywhere, but they met with many troubles, sadness and pain. They asked their teacher Socrates, and they were happy that Socrates said, _help me build a boat first._ the young people put aside the happy things for the time being, looked for the tools for shipbuilding, used them many times, built a canoe and launched it. The young people asked the teacher to get on the boat, At the same time, he rowed with united strength, and sang Socrates with a voice, _are you happy, children?_ the students answered in unison: _very happy._ Socrates said, _happiness is this.

When you deal with other things and come to visit suddenly, you will be very busy._.



邮轮英文书信范文 第八篇

The Olympic cruise ship RMS Titanic, an Olympic cruise ship, sank on an iceberg on its maiden voyage in April. The Titanic was built by Harland and Wolfe shipyards in Belfast, Ireland. It was the largest passenger ship at that time.

The Titanic set out from Southampton, England, and passed through selbugo, kitville, France. The planned destination of the queen of Ireland was New York, USA. it sank during the voyage.


奥运邮轮泰坦尼克号(RMS Titanic)是一艘奥运邮轮,在今年xx月的航中沉没在冰山上。泰坦尼克号由爱尔兰贝尔法斯特的哈兰和沃尔夫造船厂建造,是当时最大的客轮,泰坦尼克号从英国南安普敦出发,经过法国的瑟尔布戈凯特维尔爱尔兰皇后镇计划的目的地是纽约,它在航行中沉没了。

邮轮英文书信范文 第九篇

One day, a big ship was on its way from England to America and hit a smaller one. The boat was badly damaged and had to be sent back to England, where the judge had to decide who was responsible for the accident. Several people who had seen a big ship hit a small boat said that the signal had been sent to a smaller ship just seconds before the accident.

The judge was very confused, so he said, _who sent this signal?_ a young signalman came up and said, _I have received it, sir._ the judge said, _what signal did you send to the other ship?_ the young signalman turned red when he replied, _good luck on your journey._.



邮轮英文书信范文 第十篇

The heart of the sea, which is the name of the diamond on Titanic, is also how deep a woman's heart can be, and how deep a woman's heart can be, so that for many years it does not tell anyone about the man she loves, without his only picture. However, he keeps, he always keeps what kind of woman's heart is like the ocean, which is deeply imprinted in my mind The love of Titanic will last forever. My heart is always flowing.

Every time I am deeply moved, every time I come from different places, I have the right to take the largest and most luxurious ship in the world to America. Rose wants to go to prison, so that she can live a life she doesn't like. Jack wants to go to heaven, which will give him a lot of opportunities to make the poor live a good life.

Getting on the Titanic was an honor to the designer and the captain of the Titanic. This is the time to praise their achievements. Titanic is a ship of dreams.

It brought a lot of dreams to the United States. When it began to sink, it broke all kinds of dreams. All beautiful dreams were shattered in front of death.

Different people have different implications for the designer and captain of Titanic. Their fault is to let the Titanic sink into the third class society, in order to let rose and his unmarried Even when Jack was dying, he still felt lucky because he got the ticket so that he could see rose. It's this love that keeps Ross's life alive, and it's this love that shows the value of Jack's life.

At the end of the film, the old rose throws the diamond into the water instead of handing it to her. It was the only memory that reminded her of Jack. When the diamond fell into the water, love for Rose followed, until it reached the bottom of the sea.






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