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栏目:英文作文 更新时间:2024-04-05 08:13:30 作者:文/会员上传 发布时间: 人气: 下载.docx文档
文章导读:介绍模范学生英语作文范文 第一篇As far as I know, a model student certainly doesn't mind being called a bad student, but everyone wants ......

介绍模范学生英语作文范文 第一篇

As far as I know, a model student certainly doesn't mind being called a bad student, but everyone wants to be a model student. It is not an easy thing to be a model student. He must try his best to acquire knowledge.

A person without enough knowledge will not succeed. Second, he must remember that only improving his health, a strong man can accomplish great tasks. Third, if he is a model student, he can accomplish great tasks If he behaves badly, he should receive moral education.

No one will consider friends with him, such as the well-known books, which teach us to learn life, truth, science and many other useful things - they increase our knowledge, broaden our horizons, strengthen our character, in other words, they are our good teachers and smart friends. That's why Our parents always encourage us to read more books. Reading is a good thing, but we must pay great attention to the choice of books.

It is true that we can benefit from good books, but bad books do us more harm than good ones.




介绍模范学生英语作文范文 第二篇

You mind being called a bad student. Of course, as far as I know, everyone wants to be a model student. However, it is not easy to be a model student.

He must try his best to acquire knowledge. A person without enough knowledge will not succeed. Second, he must remember to improve his health.

Only a strong man can do it. Third, he should receive moral education. If his conduct is not good, no one will consider friends with him.



介绍模范学生英语作文范文 第三篇

As far as I know, do you mind being called a bad student? However, everyone wants to be a model student. First of all, it is not easy to be a model student. He must try his best to acquire knowledge.

A person without enough knowledge will not succeed. Second, he must remember to improve his health. Only strong people can do it.

Third, he should receive moral education. If his behavior is not good, no one will consider friends with him.



介绍模范学生英语作文范文 第四篇

Do you mind being called a bad student? As far as I know, everyone wants to be a model student, but it is not easy to be a model student. First of all, he must try his best to acquire knowledge. A person without enough knowledge will not succeed.

Second, he must remember that he can only improve his health. A strong man can do great things. If his behavior is not good, he should receive moral education.

No one will consider friends with him Friend, student.



介绍模范学生英语作文范文 第五篇

I want to be a model student. What should I do? I should be polite. I should study hard.

I should be willing to help others. I should walk in the corridor. I should throw the garbage into the dustbin.

I should be quiet in the library. I shouldn't walk and run on the grass. I shouldn't throw garbage on the floor.

I shouldn't run in the corridor. I shouldn't.



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