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大学英语作文:City Life and Suburban Life

栏目:英文作文 更新时间:2024-02-11 13:12:43 作者:文/会员上传 发布时间: 人气: 下载.docx文档
文章导读:>城市生活与郊区生活-City Life and Suburban Life  Where do yo like to live?That is an interesting question.Usually people like t......

  >城市生活与郊区生活-City Life and Suburban Life

  Where do yo like to live?That is an interesting question.Usually people like to live in big city.But recently,more and more people chose to live out side the city, to live in suburb.

  It is true that living in big city is convenient and entertaining.Your work place is not far away,and after work,it is easy for you to cal l your friends to go to a bar or cinema.The re are supermarkets, shopping malls.You can e asily buy any stuff you need.Want to have a dinner?no problem,there are plenty kinds of restaur ants for you to choose.In contract,living in suburb is quite different.I t serves fresh air and beautiful scenery and , for someone that is the most important thing,quiet.Though live in suburb have some inconv enient aspects,some peop le seem to perefer to sacrifice some convenience to live in quiet places.And as cars and inter net are becoming more and more common.Living in suburb is not so boring like before.

  For me,I like to live in big city when i am young,because the colorful life a n d convenience for working.And when I was old,I may choose to live in suburb to enjoy the quiet life and fresh air.Do yo think so?

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