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栏目:高中作文 更新时间:2024-04-06 08:00:35 作者:文/会员上传 发布时间: 人气: 下载.docx文档
文章导读:Why do we learn English  If you want to ask me why we should study English, my answer will be simple and clear. Now, m......

  Why do we learn English

  If you want to ask me why we should study English, my answer will be simple and clear. Now, more and more people begin to learn English .And almost everyone around us can speak a little English.But why do we learn English?

  In my opinion,Englishhas become a world language .And when we do business with foreigners of reform and opening up,we should speak English.The world meeting always use English;many important books are in English .Also,we can know each other better if we understand English,we can make contrebuyions to the world,too.

  I hope that every students can pay attention to study of English,and make use English often. In this way,we can improve our English .


  If you ask why we should learn English, my answer will be simple and clear. Now let me enumerate the reasons one by one in the following.

  First of all, English has become an international language. It plays a more and more important part in the world, especially on business and association among countries. If you speak English, you can make a round the world trip without being misunderstood. You can easily make yourself understood. Besides, English can reduce the trouble and save money when you’re making a world trip.

  In another hand, most valuable books, newspaper and magazines are written in English. If you hope to get more knowledge and useful information, you must learn English and try to master it as well as handling skillfully. You can enjoy some famous works and learn what the different customs are in the foreign countries with the help of knowing English.

  Furthermore, it’s necessary to learn English with China’s entry to WTO. That can make us know more about WTO and how to use the right in WTO to solve the trade problems.

  As we enter a new millennium, the ability and the need to understand and communicate with each other has become increasingly important that we must learn English. Without mastering it, you can no more find

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