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栏目:满分作文 更新时间:2024-04-09 12:53:02 作者:文/会员上传 发布时间: 人气: 下载.docx文档
文章导读:第一次冒险经历英语作文1The sky in the East is shining with the red light of the sing sun. The leaves quivered in the breeze. It's S......


The sky in the East is shining with the red light of the sing sun. The leaves quivered in the breeze. It's Sunday, September.

We set out very early, carrying a few bottles of beer, bags of cakes and boiled eggs. It only takes a few minutes to get to the famous scenic area of East Lake Park Park in Wuhan. It seems that it is charming than before.

The air is full of flowers. Birds are singing in the leaves. We take a walk along the dark path to the lake.

We all sit down on the grass for a picnic. After the picnic, we eat grass together. We hold an English retelling meeting.

Then we sing and dance and enjoy oselves. When we leave the park in the ning, o hearts are full of freshness and we have good memoes.





I am a succesul peacemaker. Last Tuesday, my father and my mother quarreled over something for a whole week. My family seemed to be extremely dead: no ile, no lghter.

Fm time to time, I could hear mothers sigh deeply. How sad I was. How could I make them reconcile? On the way home fm school, I was still thinking about something.

Suddenly, I heard an old woman in Street: teaeggsa OK, I suddenly thought that dad liked tea and eggs best, so I went to the to buy o catties. Then I went to a fruit shop and bought o bags of plums. As soon as I got home, I started to make tea eggs for my great chef.

According to the established pattern of mothers, the clock struck fo times. I heard the motorcycles of dads appaching. How delicious their tea was, Dad, Mother cooked some tea eggs for you.

She said that you worked very hard. She said that no one would take care of you so carefully except mother. When mom comes back, you must thank her.

I chew eggs while nodding. I'm very busy. I want to go back to my factory.

I can't come back to have dinner with you. Please tell Mu Muzi to answer in about half an ho. Mom put the bicycle away and come in.

I take out plums fm the drawer. Dad bought them for you fm Hangzhou. He knows you like them very much Son, but it seemed a little confused, but she belid that I was telling the truth.

I nr told a lie. I started to do my homework in my om after supper. My mother was knitting woolen sweater in the living om at about nine o'clock.

The sound of motorcycle came back again. I knew my father would be back soon. But I quietly walked to the door and peeped into the living om.

My father came in with a ile and my mother stepped out of the chair Almost at the same time, my father said to her, "thank you, tuaha. My great plan has been succesul. I am full of joy, becse I am a succesul peacemaker..




As far as I'm concerned, different people have different views on ck climbing, bungee jumping and other advente activities. These advente activities have a great positive impact on o physical and mental health. This is for a reason.

First of all, in modern society, this is a good way to keep healthy. Most people are busier than r before, and the time for exercise is less and less. So exercise bngs us The positive influence is unprecedented.

Occasionally taking part in advente activities can us keep healthy and keep the balance beeen work and relaxation. Taking part in advente activities also has a great impact on o mental health. Most people in modern society are under greater presse than r before and need to release presse effectively.

Taking part in sk-taking activities requires attention and attention, which can us to release stress thugh distraction. It is undeniable that timely release of stress is conducive to o mental health. In short, taking part in advente activities has a great positive effect on o health.

Howr, one thing to be reminded is that advente activities are not suitable for ryone, and special attention should be paid when participating.




My parents and I went to Xiamen last week. The day before yesterday, we stayed there for fo days. We went home by train.

We only bought seat tickets. Becse we didn't book tickets in advance, it took about 28 hos to get home. There were many people traveling in Xiamen.

So there were many people on the train. We were very tired, but we couldn't sleep.




^^^I'd like to intduce what I wanted to do in mostei. I don't know when I be to dream of being an explorer, explong the most dangeus and secret places in the world and expeencing the wonderful feeling of advente. My father was a wter.

He told me that while I could wte, I be to stve for that goal fm now on. In my past, I have traveled a lot I think of this as the accumulation of my expeence. I hope I can travel all over China like Yu cs.

He is a great explorer. Although he has died in Lop N, what I like most is to css the Hoh Xil and challenge the ancient Chama ad. I want to use my life to realize my exploration dream, that is, my life, my faith and my integty.




Nowadays, there are more and more adventure activities such as bungee jumping and rocking, especially among young people. Some people think that these activities are very risky and should be restricted or even prohibited. Others think that these activities bring people fresh experience and should be encouraged.

I agree with the latter view: first, taking part in adventure activities is to train people's courage and courage Willpower is a fashionable and effective means, which is rare among modern young people; secondly, people in modern society are facing great pressure, and adventure has been proved to be a very effective way to relieve the pressure of work and life. Finally, from the economic point of view, this is a new economic growth point, which will attract many people to participate in it. We can draw the conclusion that adventure activities bring us many beneficial fun, we should strive to ensure its healthy development, but it is worth noting that adventure activities are not suitable for everyone, these activities need good health conditions, so People should give full consideration to any adventure.





I had a fight with my ommate a few weeks ago. I had a fight with one of my ommates. Six of us live in a all om of about eight square meters.

A few weeks ago, one of my ommates bught a large suitcase under her bed, but a few days later, she or he found something wng with her suitcase. Becse we lived on the first floor, her suitcase quickly got wet. She took it out and ded it, and then she / he just put it on her desk Becse she had no other choice.

I was just acss fm her desk. Her suitcase was so big that it took up not only her whole table, but also half of mine. I was very angry, so I pushed it forward angly without talking to her first.

I pushed a little too hard and the box fell off her desk and messed up the contents. She flew into a rage and gave me an angry ar. A few days later, when I calmed down, the quarrel be.

It lasted about o hos. I thought about the quarrel and be to see something. I should talk to her first, and then work with her to find a solution to the pblem.

We should learn to live in harmony in a om with limited .






When I was a child, my parents always took me to Beijing, Zhuhai, Guilin and other places to travel. But as I grew up, I had too much presse to study. I hardly had time and ener to travel.

I could go to many distant scenic spots. In the wonderful world of books and television, I learned about Rio de Janei fm books recently. I felt very excited and wanted to travel there.

Rio de Janei is located on the Atlantic coast. It is the second largest city in Brazil. I like the climate of Rio de Janei.

The ocean climate is very comfortable. It will nr become too dry or too wet. I like the betiful beach.

I always form a picte in my mind. On the beach, I imagine myself walking on the beach. The sun in the afternoon is very mild.

I feel the soft wind blowing thugh my face. I can see it The sun moves slowly below the sea ll, like a hot, red ball falling into the water. Some gulls are flying on it.

The sea and others are resting on the boat. I take off my shoes. Soft sand flows thugh my toes.

Small waves sometimes run to me to wet my pants. Like a nghty child, I enjoy the feast of my body and spit. Now I know the bety of nate The most betiful in the world, I just go, go, go.





Last summer, I, Du Bobo, Du Bobo sister, were playing in Beijing. When I arved at the hotel, Du Bobo said, "tomorw it will go to Beijing's virgin forest. In summer, I, Du Bobo, and sister Du Bobo led an advente to the hotel in Beijing.

Du Bobo said," tomorw, Beijing jungle animals. "I am one of them. I'm very glad to hear that in the morning, and then after than an ho's visit After the to, we finally arved at the gate of the destination, and a betiful picte was displayed in fnt of us: trees, grass, flowers were in full bloom, and a few butterflies flew back and forth fm time to time.

We missed the intduction of some to guides. Therefore, we should not act alone. Fm time to time, we walked into the woods, flocks of birds, people felt that the gloomy pmitive forest fna was also in fnt of us.

I heard a "cuckoo" ”I think the dark heart, Dubo, a walking animal, a toist gup, walked up fm the back of the team. I saw a snake not far in fnt of me, so I asked it to stop. In order to discuss how to appach this point, I said anxiously: "snakes are non-toxic "Is it OK?" I picked up a dry stick and grasped the snake.

At the same time, I listened to the sounds of wild animals. Wild animals that could resist jumping would ht people. I didn't know that I could not n walk and run on the steps.

I was afraid of wild animals and sweating. Although the weather was very hot, my whole body was shaking, and ry cell in my body was boiling At the same time, the voice became louder and louder, silent and n creepy. I stopped to have a rest for a while.

When I heard the scream of the to gup, they cght up with it. They followed the coach back to a to gup. I was relid.

I was really scared when I was walking. Howr, it csed me to be a child The accessoes gwing up in advente, which can strenen their will, I will nr forget.




"Hard work does not harm people. Why take sks?" before Liang Zhuge came out, he had no expeence in leading the army. Why should I have expeence when I was looking for a job? I just bit my bone: "are we poisonous?" The snake asked her mother, "yes, honey," and she said, "why do you ask," becse I just bit my tongue.

"A person has to go thugh at least o Adventes a day: one shamelessly pretending to be , and one night's crazy snack. The motto of Harvard University is that a pigeon pulls feces to his father's face. Dad: bng a piece of paper.

Son: how can I it fly so high.




Last summer, I, Du Bobo, and Du Bobo's sister went to the hotel when they were playing in Beijing. Du Bobo said, "go to Beijing Jungle Zoo tomorrow." I was one of them. I was very glad to hear that.

After visiting for more than an hour, I finally arrived at the gate of the destination. A beautiful picture was displayed in front of my eyes: grass everywhere, flowers blooming, several Butterflies fly from time to time and miss some guides, so don't act alone and wander in the woods. From time to time, there are birds flying in.

People feel that the gloomy primitive forest animals are also in front. I hear the sound of "cuckoo", and my heart beats faster. A cold hand grabs my heart.

I want to take a step at the bottom of my dark heart When I left, I saw a snake not far from the front. I asked it to stop and discuss how to approach the snake. I said in a hurry: "the snake is non-toxic, no problem." then I picked up the rocker and grasped the snake.

At the same time, I listened to the call of the beast. My heart could resist it and the beast would hurt people close From the fast forward movement, I did not know this step I could not even run, afraid of wild animals, sweating, although the weather is very hot, but my whole body trembled, every cell in the body was boiling, and the tendons of the root went faster and faster. After a period of sound and silence, even more terrifying stop and rest, they caught up with me, but also returned to a tour group with the carriage A deep sigh of relief.

When I left, I was really scared. In fact, I grew up in accessories that could strengthen their will. I will never forget.




Nowadays, there are more and more adventure activities such as bungee jumping and rocking, especially among young people. Some people think that these activities are very risky and should be restricted or even prohibited. Others think that these activities bring people fresh experience and should be encouraged.

I agree with the latter view: first, taking part in adventure activities is to train people's courage and courage Willpower is a fashionable and effective means, which is rare among modern young people; secondly, people in modern society are facing great pressure, and adventure has been proved to be a very effective way to relieve the pressure of work and life. Finally, from the economic point of view, this is a new economic growth point, which will attract many people to participate in it. We can draw the conclusion that adventure activities bring us many beneficial fun, we should strive to ensure its healthy development, but it is worth noting that adventure activities are not suitable for everyone, these activities need good health conditions, people Before taking part in any adventure sports activities should be fully considered.




Last Tuesday, mom and dad quarreled about one thing for a whole week. My family seemed extremely dead: no ile, no lghter, fm time to time, I couldn't hear my mother's deep sigh. How sad I was, how could I make them live in harmony? On the way home fm school, I was still thinking about it.

Suddenly, I heard an old woman on the street: teaeggsa good. I suddenly thought that my father liked tea and eggs best, so I went to the to buy o. Then I went to a fruit shop and bought o bags of plums.

As soon as I got home, I started to be my good cook. According to my mother's established pattern, the clock struck fo o'clock, and then I listened When Dad's motorcycles are appaching, how fragrant they are. Dad and mom cooked some tea eggs for you.

She said that you worked very hard. She said that no one would take care of you so carefully except for mom. When mom comes back, you must thank her.

I chew eggs while nodding. I am very busy. I want to go back to my factory.

I can't have dinner with you. Please tell Mu Muzi to answer in half an ho. Mom came in after putting her bicycle.

I took out the plums fm the drawer and looked at the plums that dad bought for you fm Hangzhou. He knows you like these plums very much. He seems to have them A little confused, but she belid that I was telling the truth.

I nr lied. After dinner, I be to do my homework in my om. My mother was knitting a sweater in the living om at about nine o'clock.

The sound of the motorcycle rang again. I knew my father would be back soon. But I quietly walked to the door and peeped into the living om.

My father came in iling and my mother stood up fm her chair and said to him Thank you. Almost at the same time, dad said to her, "thank you, tuaha, my great plan has been succesul. I am full of joy becse I am a succesul peacemaker.".



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