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栏目:英文作文 更新时间:2024-02-03 20:56:58 作者:文/会员上传 发布时间: 人气: 下载.docx文档
文章导读:本文《高二英语作文范文【三篇】》由高中作文频道整理,仅供参考。如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享~感谢你的阅读与支持!The person I love most is my grandfather.My grandfather also ha......


The person I love most is my grandfather.My grandfather also has a good heart.From him I can learn the endurance,self-discipline,courage,paticipation and positive attitude.

In my childhood,he always walks with me.Our usual walk was to the park near our house.He went to work on time,and despite nasty weather.He almost never missed a day,and would make it to the office even if others could not.When my grandfather was young,he joined the army.I am amazed at how much courage it must have taken for him to subject himself to such stress when he saw many his friends died in wars.Now my grandfather tries to partictpate in many activities.He likes to go to dances and parties.He loves travel and he always takes many photos.I love him but I’ve never said”love” to him for my shame.I hope he knows that how I admire him,how I love him,How I rely on him.I think of him when I am envious of another’s good fortune,when I complain about trifles,when I want to help other people.I love my grandfather most.

Every year, when the winner of Nobel Prize in literature comes out, we will wonder why the winner is always belonging to foreigners. Though we are proud of our brilliant culture, we always miss this important award. Actually, Chinese literature is also famous around the world. The four great works like Journey to the West and A Dream in Red Mansions are known by the world. Every child in China has learn them and they even watch the TV series. The old literature Mater Sun’s Art of War is popular around foreigners. They are crazy about it and hope to learn some skills to help them run business. There is no doubt that Chinese literature has great influence on the world. It is the national treasure, and we can probe into the history and appreciate the charm.



Almost everyone has an idol in their hearts. Some adore the great men in the history, some admire the athletes, but most teenagers’ idol trends to be the singers and actors. Many young people are so crazy about their idols and sometimes they do some unwise acts. A wise fan can figure out what should he do to follow his idol. In order to know his idol better, he will watch the films and songs that are related to his hero. Even to make a video, he will learn the computer technology. During the process of chasing idol, a fan gets improved for their ability. The power of idol can make a person better.



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