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栏目:英文作文 更新时间:2024-04-02 19:56:33 作者:文/会员上传 发布时间: 人气: 下载.docx文档
文章导读:美术展通知英语作文范文 第一篇When I grow up, I want to do what I want to do. First of all, I want to be a radio operator. I want to wr......

美术展通知英语作文范文 第一篇

When I grow up, I want to do what I want to do. First of all, I want to be a radio operator. I want to write articles and send them to magazines and newss to report the truth.

I want to be an artist. I want to hold an art exhibition to make more money because I want to make a fortune and buy a big house for my parents. I also want to travel around the world, one day I will retire in a quiet and beautiful place.



美术展通知英语作文范文 第二篇

I want to be a gardener of the four seasons. I want to be a gardener in your dream. I want to be a gardener in your dream.

My mother takes me to an art exhibition. A naughty monkey and a cute dog watch the paintings of animals. I am very realistic.

I am determined to learn painting. I become a painter every time I finish my homework when I grow up, I started painting. I drew a hat.

My sister looked at the picture to my mother. My mother said that I was good at painting. I love painting now.

My mother called me a painting lesson. I was so happy yesterday. I promised my art teacher that I would draw a dog lying in the shade of a big tree in the painting competition.

I want to take this picture in. I love painting. You wait.

I will make four famous pictures Illustration and painting.



标签: 新学期

美术展通知英语作文范文 第三篇

Dear mark, we will hold an art exhibition in our school hall next month. You are welcome to join us. Please bring your works, please tell me whether you will come or not.

I will introduce the exhibition to you in detail and look forward to your reply from Li Hua.



美术展通知英语作文范文 第四篇

Mark, I just called on you, but you are not in, so I have to leave a message for you. I want to invite you to visit the Chinese art exhibition at the art museum. The exhibition will display the most famous paintings of all ages and traditional Chinese paintings.

The exhibition will open from 8th to 18th of this month, so can we meet at the gate of the art gallery on Sunday morning.



美术展通知英语作文范文 第五篇

On the day of the exhibition, it was very interesting. My brother and I went to the art exhibition. I saw a lot of people drawing a portrait.

It was very interesting. My favorite one was the one that painted the sky. It was very beautiful.

It painted the days of blue birds and clouds. It was amazing. There were many, many paintings.

Today is a great day. I hope so.



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