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栏目:英文作文 更新时间:2024-04-07 13:09:51 作者:文/会员上传 发布时间: 人气: 下载.docx文档
文章导读:经典高考英语作文范文1Jan, 1st, 20xxDear parents,I know it’s a bit hard/difficult for you to accept my choice to apply to Tsinghua ......


Jan, 1st, 20xx

Dear parents,I know it’s a bit hard/difficult for you to accept my choice to apply to Tsinghua University (for further study). You have been taking good care of me during the past 18 years and in your eyes I’m a good boy who is always willing to follow your advice. But this time I do hope that you can allow me to make my own University, one of the top universities worldwide, has appealed to numerous excellent applicants. Not only do they admire these distinguished scholars but also they can share the advanced teaching facilities and reference resources. In addition, graduates from Tsinghua are bound to have more chances to find rewarding jobs. In this competitive society,I can prove myself an outstanding talent and make great contributions to the development of our know you are worried that I can’t look after myself if I go to Tsinghua. However, this will enable me to learn how to live independently and stand on my own feet. I really hope you can understand me and support my decision, which will benefit my future.


Xiao Er Wang


My mother is the person I respect plays an important role in my life,not only as a mother but also as a friend.

As a mother,she takes good care of the family and she is never upset about works hard in the 's always warm-hearted and ready tohelp sets a good example to have learned to work hard andrespect people a friend,she knows a lot about me and gives me helpwhenever it's necessary.

My mother has a great influence on me and I respect her most.


When students are going to high school, they are under great pressure, because their main goal is to enter the college, so they need to work so hard. The school will test them so often that they want to get the best scores. Cheating on the exams is many students’ choice, as they could not do well on the exam, so they want to find the confidence by getting the high marks. Other students even buy the exam answers, what they do is totally wrong. Frist, it will cost students a lot of money on buying the answer, it refers to spend their parents’ money, it is not easy to earn money. Second, the answers that students buy are not accurate all the time, most of the answers are wrong, students are easy to get cheated. Students should work hard to improve their study.








大家都做好了,你尝尝我的,我尝尝你的,Tina说这叫“分享”(share),我们都觉得很有趣,很快乐。这是一堂“好吃”的课,妈妈说这就叫“DIY”(do it your-self),我非常喜欢“DIY”!























玛丽·居里(Marie Curie),(—)出生于波兰,因当时波兰被占领,转入法国国籍。是法国的物理学家、化学家。世界著名科学家,研究放射性现象,发现镭和钋两种天然放射性元素,被人称为“镭的母亲”,一生两度获诺贝尔奖(第一次获得诺贝尔物理学奖,第二次获得诺贝尔化学奖)。在研究镭的过程中,她和她的丈夫用了3年零9个月的时间才从成吨的矿渣中提炼出了镭。作为杰出科学家,居里夫人有一般科学家所没有的社会影响。尤其因为是成功女性的先驱,她的典范激励了很多人。




How to spend my weekend

Iam going to prepare for my lessons because the Mid-term exam is coming. I am sure if I have good preparation, I will get good grades. I am going to help my parents do some housework because they work hard every course I will visit my good friend and play table tennis with him because doing sports is good for our health. I will surf the internet and listen to music because they are good ways to relax. I am sure I will have a busy and meaningful weekend.


范文一假定你是李华,正在一所英国学校学习暑期课程,遇到一些困难,希望得到学,辅导中心(Learning Center)的帮助。根据学校规定,你需书面预约,请按下列要点!一封信:1.本人简介;2.求助内容;3.约定时间;4.你的联系方式(Email:lihua@1236. com; Phone:12345678)。注意:1.词数100左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯:3.结束语已为你写好。Dear Sir / Madam, Look forward to your reply.

范文二某校英文报开辟了一个专栏:Experience。本期话题是如何解决学习中遇到的困难。请你以“My Approach to Difficulties in Learning”为题,用英语写一篇短文,谈谈自己的一些做法。要求:1.词数100左右;2.文中不能出现本人相关信息。

范文三假定你是中学生李华。在一位名叫TigerMom的学生家长的博客上,你看到如下内容。请你根据博客内容、写作要点和要求,给这位家长回复。I'm the mother of a fourteen-year-old. I have a rule for my daughter: be among the top5 students or get punished in one way or another. She has been doing very well in school, but some friends of mine keep telling me that I put too much pressure on her. Am I wrong?写作要点:1.表明自己的看法;2.陈述自己的理由(可举例说明);3.提出至少两条建议。要求:1.短文词数不少于100(不含已写好的部分)。2.内容充实,结构完整,语意连贯。3.书写须清晰、工整。Hi,TigerMom,What puzzles you is actually a puzzle for many parents in China. My idea is

范文四请根据以下提示,结合你校园生活中的一个事例,就与人合作这一话题,用英语写一篇短文。Working in groups at school is an opportunity to learn more about teamwork. Teamwork shows us how otherpeople's roles fit the purpose of the group, and it teaches us to be patient and how to respond to different people.注意:①无须写标题,不得照抄英语提示语;②除诗歌外,文体不限;③内容必须结合校园生活中的一个事例;④文中不得透露个人姓名和学校名称;⑤词数为100左右。

范文五假设你是星光中学的李华,将参加主题为“Let's Ride Bicycles”的英语演讲比赛。请撰写一份演讲稿,主要内容包括:1.目前汽车带来的空气污染和交通堵塞等问题;2.骑自行车的益处,如节能环保、有利健康等,参考词汇:低碳生活(low-carbon life);节能(energy saving)注意:1.词数:120词左右;2.演讲稿开头和结尾已给出,且该部分不计入总词数。Good morning, everyone,I am Li Hua from Xingguang Middle School. The topic of my speech is“Let’s Ride BicycleThankyou! 范文背诵

范文一DearSir/Madam,I'm Li Hua, a Chinese student taking summer courses in your university. I'm writing to ask for help. I came here last month and found my courses interesting. But I have some difficulties in taking notes and I have no idea of how to use the library. I was told the Learning Center provides help for students and I'm anxious to get help- from you. I have no class on Tuesday mornings and Friday afternoons. Please let me know which day is OK with may email or phone me. Here are my email address and phone number:lihua@1236. com; 12345678.Look forward to your reply.Yours ,Li Hua

范文二My Approach to Difficulties in LearningAs high school students, we run into one difficulty after another in the process of learning. Everyone has their own way to deal with them. Here I would like to share mine.When I am faced with a difficulty, I usually choose to refer to relevant learning materials or Webpages. In this way, I can not only work it out but also improve my ability to overcome problems all by myselfHowever, when it is something beyond my competence, I turn to my classmates or teachers for I also ask my parents for advice. As a result, I have made steady progress in my studies.

范文三Hi, TigerMom,What puzzles you is actuallya puzzle for many parents in, idea is that it is not quite right for you to do so.Although high grades are, an important factor in evaluating students and for their future university admission,development in wisdom, emotion, health, and life attitude should never beignored. There are many examples around us. Some all-A students in school have turned out not to be as successful in society as they were expected. The reason is often that the pressure from their parents allows them almost no time for other activities. Furthermore,punishment is by no means a wise choice to help them grow up mentally andphysically.So I suggest that you takeyour friends' advice. More importantly, let her live like a lovely girl; lether have more friends and social activities; and let her make mistakes of herown as we teenagers often do.

范文四Years of school life has taught me a lot of things, of which teamwork is the most important for me.In fact, I didn't realize its importance until I was chosen monitor of my class in my senior middle first, I did most of the duties myself while other students cared littleabout class activities. As a result, Iwas tired out and depressed. Then I turned to my teacher and he advised me tocooperate with others. Thus I began torecognize the strengths of my classmates and have everyone do their part inclass.It is working in teamsinstead of on my own that has freed me of trouble and made my work moreefficient.

范文五Good morning, everyone,I am Li Hua from Xingguang Middle School, The topic of my speech is“Let'sRide Bicycles”.As is known to all, with the improvement of people's living standards, cars have become a popular means of transport, bringing great convenience to our life. However, they have also caused some problems such as air pollution and traffic jams.How can we solve the problems then? As far as I'm concerned, riding bicycles is a good solution. Forone thing, bicycles don't need any petrol and they are energy-saving. For another, bicycles are environmentally friendly because they won't give off waste gas. What’s more, riding bicycles is a good way for us toexercise and it is beneficial to our health.Therefore, let's take the responsibility to build up a low-carbon city by riding bicycles. Come on andjoin us!Thank you !

描写人物神情的句子喜悦Becauseof his high scores, he smiles brightly.因为得了高分,所以他笑得很灿烂。Afriendly smile will help you to win others’ hearts.友好的笑容能帮助你赢得别人的心。Heis very happy and sweet.他既高兴又甜蜜。Theydidn’t know what to do with themselves for joy.他们高兴得不知道怎么办好。Hejumped for fun.他高兴得跳了起来。Thereis always a smile of contentment on her face.她脸上总是挂着心满意足的微笑。Herface brightened up.她喜形于色。满意Theresult is satisfactory.结果令人满意。Itis difficult to please everybody. 众口难调。Seeingtheir task finished gives them a sense of satisfaction.看到任务完成了,他们感到很满意。惊讶I’msurprised to find you here.我很惊讶在这里看到你。It’snothing to be surprised about.这不值得大惊小怪。Tomy surprise, he didn’t come yesterday.令我吃惊的是他昨天没有来。Shelooked at me in astonishment. 她惊奇地看着我。悲伤Helooks so sad. 他看起来很悲伤。Heis no stranger to sorrow.他生活在悲伤中。Hissad story makes her feel pity. 他的悲惨经历使她深感同情。Hiswife’s disease took away his appetite. 妻子的病令他茶饭不思。Thenews depresses her. 这个消息让她愁苦。愤怒Shewas burning with anger. 她怒火中烧。Heeasily loses his temper. 他很容易发脾气。Hewas in a rage. 他大发雷霆。Shewas red with anger. 她因为发怒脸涨得通红。Youmake me so mad! 你真把我气疯了! 由于篇幅限制,学姐只发了五篇范文,和四个信件的模板以及部分句子




1. 比赛信息;

2. 赛前准备;

3. 表达期待。


1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。


Dear Chris,

How is everything going? I have good news to tell you. A volleyball match is going to be held in a few weeks and our team will participate.

As for the detailed information of the match, there will be probably dozens of teams which are going to make a revolving competition. Additionally, not only can the top three teams each be awarded a medal but all the other teams taking part in it will get a reward as well. What will be the most attractive is that it will be a great honor for the top three teams to receive special volleyballs that have the name of the most popular volleyball player on them. Therefore, we must do enough preparations before the match, such as training as frequently as we can.

So excited am I that I can’t wait to join in about you? Looking forward to your reply.


Li Hua




Goethe said ^v^He is the happiest, being king orpeasant, who find peace in his home^v^. It is is the warmest place in the world. Home is theharbor. No matter where you are, you would like tobe back home in the end.


Home is the place which we often need to build. In order to create a kind of warm and intimateatmosphere. As a member of the family, it is not right to demand perfection in each proper way is to cultivate flexibility, patience, and sense ofhumour. Parents can be moreopen-minded and trust their children, and the children should understand their parents' we have spare time after supper, we may often communicate with each other and talkabout what happened in the daytime. This type of great importance because it often helps todeepen the feelings between the parents and children.

家是我们经常需要建设的地方,为了创造一个温暖而亲密的氛围,我们彼此之间应当相互尊敬和理解。作为家庭的一员, 不要苛求对方的十全十美,而要培养韧性、耐心和幽默感。父母亲应当有更加开放的心胸,而且要相信他们的孩子,而孩子们也要理解父母的辛苦,如果晚饭后有空闲时间,我们可以经常交流自己的思想,并且谈论些白天所发生的事情。这种被称为“闲聊”的交流很重要,因为它常常有助于加深父母亲和孩子们的感情。

If we do so, I believe our home will always be sweet.











假定你是李华,正在一所英国学校学习暑期课程,遇到一些困难,希望得到学校辅导中心(Learning Center)的帮助。根据学校规定,你需要书面预约,请按下列的要求写一封信:1.本人简介 2.求助内容 3.约定时间 4.你的联系方式(Email: lihua@ ; Phone:12345678)

范文: Dear Sir ,

I’m LiHua , a Chinese student taking summer course in your university . I’m writing to ask for help . I came here last month and found my courses interesting .But I have some difficulty with note-taking and I have no idea of how to use the library . I was told the learning center provides help for students and I’m anxious to get help from you. I have no class on Tuesdays mornings and Friday afternoons . Please let me know which day is ok with you. You may email or phone me . Here are my email address and phone number :lihua@ ; 1234567.

Look forward to your reply .

Yours ,

Li Hua


乡村的秋天 Autumn in Countryside

Autumn in Countryside

It gradually turns cool. The sunlight is no longer so strong and the cicadas have stopped crying. The hot summer went by at last. The favorite season in the year is coming.

Everywhere we can see the scene of bumper crops: on the fields is golden rice,on the trees are ripe fruits. The farmers faces are full of smiles. They are now expecting a good harvest through a summer's hard work.

The autumn evening is especially beautiful. When the setting sun goes slowly down to the west, the sky over the mountains is covered with red rays of evening sunlight, which shines upon the blue sky and floating clouds, just as the maple leaves fall onto the sky.

It is getting cool at dusk. The wind blows, the moonlight shines on the ground,the frogs croak and insects chirp in the fields. Such a situation will make you forget all the unhappy things in the daytime.

I love the beautiful season.







高考英语满分作文不要浪费水资源 Don't waste water.

请看下面的这幅漫画,再联想实际生活,写一篇短文,词数120左右。题目:Don’t Waste Water

A man is washing his clothes ,regardless of the notice above ^v^Save the Water Please.^v^


As we see ,water is the source of life. But there is very limited available water resources in our world. So we shouldn't waste it. Of course, we have to use it to drink, cook, wash, clean and etc. But we must remember not to use it extravagantly. If we didn't stop such wasteful habits, we would cut off the development of the world and the human life.


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