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栏目:个人简历 更新时间:2024-08-25 21:52:00 作者:文/会员上传 发布时间: 人气: 下载.docx文档
文章导读:name: gender: male  age: native place:  english: working experience: above 3 years  the telephone number: email:  career......
name: gender: male
  age: native place:
  english: working experience: above 3 years
  the telephone number: email:
  career objective
  target functions: java engineer
  target cities: shenzhen
  self evaluation
  1, clear thinking, independent analysis and problem solving ability.
  2, the work is earnest, responsible, willing to communication, willing to mutual aid, willing to learn, bold innovation, willing to share, personality, cheerful.
  3, have good learning, communication and team cooperation ability.
  4, the software has a good understanding
  skill expertise
  1. skilled myeclipse platform, skilled in weblogic or tomcat service programming,
  2. for struct, hibernate, spring technology framework application proficient,
  3. familiar with javascript, xml, ext, dwr, jquery, jxl, commons - fileupload, freemarker technology,
  4. database main use oracle
  5. to a c + + and.net languages also familiar with
  6. have the standard developing document writing ability
  work experience
  project name: china telecom online business hall (hainan, sichuan)
  cycle: since november XX
  software development to ___11__our environment: oracle + windows xp + jdk1.4.0 + eclipse + svn
  development tools: eclipse + oracle
  the use of the technical: struts + spring + hibernate (ssh) frame + log4j + ajax + jsp
  project description:
  1, the system business information browsing, business consulting, business acceptance with online capture to expend, online shopping experience and convenient.
  2, system foreground for customers to provide comprehensive telecom customer service function, background management system for province branch company and family and inpidual client channel management personnel, online business hall operation center to provide complete business data statistical analysis function.
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